Hi It's Me!!

Hi! I'm Brandi and the face behind the camera and one who takes all the wonderful fun photos. I'm a mom, a wifey, fur momma, and a busy bee. If I'm not taking photos, I'm sitting at my desk editing photos or the occasional playing some WoW (World of Warcraft) or Hogwarts Legacy or hanging out with my hubby and our friends. I started out in front of the camera almost 16 years ago when I tried my hand in modeling as well as started my own non-profit modeling agency for tattooed models called Inkd Diamonds. After working closely with a local photographer for a few years I decided to pick up my first camera (Canon) and try my hand at being behind the camera for a change and haven't looked back since (I still model here and there lol). I've worked over the years with local photographers doing mentorships as well as diving deep into tutorials online videos and more and I keep learning even after 7 years I'm always learning more to improve and keep editing up even more. I've grown a great passion for capturing and helping tell all my clients stories and share in their lives as they grow from starting out as couples, to getting engaged and married or growing their family even bigger with little ones to family gatherings too. I'm also big on changing my hair about a billion times a year so don't be surprised when I may be sporting a new fun hair color lol.

Peep below some fun photos of my family.